News Writing
After learning that math teacher Charla Klein will be participating in the Fulbright teacher exchange program, many parents are showing concern on whether her exchange teacher, Lorraine Shoulder from Edinburgh, is up to par for League-town high school.
More than 4,000 teachers applied for the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program this year. Only 200 were chosen, Ms. Klein being one of them.
“Being selected into this prestigious program is quite an honor” Principal Beuce Dubes said. “The Fulbright program selects only the best teachers to participate, so I have no doubt that Ms.Schouller will know her content area and be a dynamic teacher.”
The parents aren’t the only ones concerned about the teacher exchange.
“When I told my classes that I would be leaving in the fall, some of them were worried about the TAKS test, but I assured them they would be fine.” Charla Klein, math teacher said. “Besides that, I am only leaving for a semester and I’m leaving my lessons plans from last year.”
Several parents are very concerned about the teacher exchange program, and many have called with concern.
“We are happy for Ms. Klein, but some parents, like myself are questioning whether a teacher from a foreign country can prepare our students for the TAKS test.” Parent and president of the Parent/Teacher Associaton, Oscar Ramirez said.
Although there is still some concerns, the school is making sure that the students will learn the material needed.
“The math department will work with Mr. Dubes and Ms. Schouller to ensure that she has all the support she needs.” Math department chair, Janelle Vander said. “We certainly will miss Ms. Klein, but this is an exciting opportunity for her.”
“She (Ms. Klein) is an excellent teacher. Freshmen Mellisa Staff said. “I’ve always struggled with math, but Ms. Klein explains things in a way I can understand.”