Current Event
My current event assignment this week is called “The slow crawl to designer babies” I found my article on
In my article, it talks about how
it is easy now to design your own baby, pick out its characteristic and pay for it. You receive your “child” through sperm. As genetic technology improves, there will be more ways for us to choose what kind of child we want. Doctors also can tell the embryo’s sex at this early stage. Sex detection is banned in many countries to prevent parents from terminating a pregnancy because they prefer one sex over the other. U.S. law does not restrict sex detection, so American clinics that offer the option are popular with clients from countries that don’t allow it. In my opinion, this is not a very good idea. I don’t think that people should just be able to design children. I think that could be very dangerous in the long run. If somebody is wanting a child, and cannot have children with their husband, i believe that it is a good idea to a certain extent to design your child, to maybe look like them. Although I don’t think it is a good idea for people who can have children to just want to design their kid so they know what they look like. I’m glad that there is technology for people to still have children, but I also think that God does everything for a reason and designs children how they’re supposed to be. If God wants you This new technology changes the world, because it will affect how people have children, and how people look. If more people turn to this option and design their child how they want, the human race will look completely different in a couple generations if this increases.