Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category
Anorexia Nervosa Billboard
My current event this week is called “Accounting for L.A.’s homeless” My article talks about how many homeless people are in L.A. On Tuesday night 7,000 volunteers will embark upon a three-night trip to count the number of homeless people who live on streets, in tents and cars, or bed down in temporary shelters in Los Angeles County. The 2015 count showed that homelessness was up 12% from 2013. Of the 44,000 people found homeless, the majority were found to be “unsheltered.” The number of people living in tents and makeshift shelters increased a staggering 85% from 5,335 in 2013 to 9,535 in 2015. I agree with the author and believe that this should happen. It is necessary to know how many people are homeless. If we found out how many people are homeless it could be a good thing, and make more shelters and help out everybody. This affects the world, because a ton of the population is homeless.
Editorial Current Event
My editorial current event this week is called “the truth behind the sale by date” written by Anne Marie Chaker, from The Wall Street Journal. In this article the author talks about how 30%-40% of food is wasted. which is $161 billion dollars worth of food. Yet, terms such as sell-by, use-by and best-before don’t indicate the safety of food, as many people believe. My author thinks that food should not be thrown out just based on the date. Sell by just means the product needs to be sold by and can still be eaten. I agree with the author that food should not just be wasted. This affects the world because it is wasted food that should be eaten or given away. “Expired” food will not always make you sick.
Editoral Current Event
My editoral current even this week is titled, “Obama takes small steps on guns: Our view” I found this article on
In my article it talks about the steps Obama is taking on gun control. In my opinion i don’t think anything should be changed on gun control laws. Obama is taking everything way out of proportion. He is trying to regulate guns. If he regulated guns we would have no safety. My article supports Obamas stupid decisions, and doesn’t tell the other sides of the
story’s told. This effects the world and me very largely. If it wasn’t for guns protecting us, there would be way more rapes, home invasions, and murders. This could be you and your family one day.
Current Event
My current event assignment this week is called “The slow crawl to designer babies” I found my article on
In my article, it talks about how
it is easy now to design your own baby, pick out its characteristic and pay for it. You receive your “child” through sperm. As genetic technology improves, there will be more ways for us to choose what kind of child we want. Doctors also can tell the embryo’s sex at this early stage. Sex detection is banned in many countries to prevent parents from terminating a pregnancy because they prefer one sex over the other. U.S. law does not restrict sex detection, so American clinics that offer the option are popular with clients from countries that don’t allow it. In my opinion, this is not a very good idea. I don’t think that people should just be able to design children. I think that could be very dangerous in the long run. If somebody is wanting a child, and cannot have children with their husband, i believe that it is a good idea to a certain extent to design your child, to maybe look like them. Although I don’t think it is a good idea for people who can have children to just want to design their kid so they know what they look like. I’m glad that there is technology for people to still have children, but I also think that God does everything for a reason and designs children how they’re supposed to be. If God wants you This new technology changes the world, because it will affect how people have children, and how people look. If more people turn to this option and design their child how they want, the human race will look completely different in a couple generations if this increases.
Job Resume
Current Event
My current event assignment this week is called “Anonymous Hacker Group Declares War on ISIS” I found my article on
My article talks about how the anonymous internet hacking network declares war on the Islamic state group on YouTube. The video, posted the day after the attacks, had more than 1.3 million views by Monday afternoon. The group is declaring war on them, because of all the attacks they have been doing lately and effecting a lot of the country’s. “We are going to launch the biggest operation every mounted against you — get ready for a multitude of cyber attacks. War has been declared.” Anonymous man in the video has said.
Although America has not been attacked in big groups of people, it still affects our whole country and us. ISIS is a major threat to everybody and can attack us at anytime. Because ISIS is not a country and is just an organization, it is hard to find everybody apart of the organization, therefore they can attack or kill people whenever. All Muslims are not apart of ISIS, and this needs to be known. This situation effects me because I am an American citizen, and if America gets attacked, I get attacked.
Current Event
My current event article this week is called, “Rough Student Arrest Puts Spotlight on School Police”
I found my article on My article talks about how a police officer, did his job and tried to control a girl in class. On Wednesday, Sheriff Leon Lott of Richland County fired the deputy, Ben Fields. saying that his actions violated department policy. The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the F.B.I. are investigating. On the videos that make it look much worse, Mr. Fields, who is white, grabbed the girl, who is black, lifting her from her seat. She resists so he moves her chair backward until her desk and chair fall over, slamming her to the floor. All in a few seconds. In Texas, police usually give tickets for misbehavior that is not criminal to offenders as young as 4, and students who fail to appear in juvenile court or pay fines later find that there are warrants for their arrest. I think this should be used and taken seriously everywhere. I think social media and everybody posting this video and adding bad media onto it made the situation worse. The police officer would not just throw her to the ground if she wasnt doing anything. This event effects me and the world very greatly. If everybody starts making big deals and firing and suing police officers, than they’ll be too scared to do their job and they will stop trying to fight crime, because everything they do will cause problems.
News Writing
After learning that math teacher Charla Klein will be participating in the Fulbright teacher exchange program, many parents are showing concern on whether her exchange teacher, Lorraine Shoulder from Edinburgh, is up to par for League-town high school.
More than 4,000 teachers applied for the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program this year. Only 200 were chosen, Ms. Klein being one of them.
“Being selected into this prestigious program is quite an honor” Principal Beuce Dubes said. “The Fulbright program selects only the best teachers to participate, so I have no doubt that Ms.Schouller will know her content area and be a dynamic teacher.”
The parents aren’t the only ones concerned about the teacher exchange.
“When I told my classes that I would be leaving in the fall, some of them were worried about the TAKS test, but I assured them they would be fine.” Charla Klein, math teacher said. “Besides that, I am only leaving for a semester and I’m leaving my lessons plans from last year.”
Several parents are very concerned about the teacher exchange program, and many have called with concern.
“We are happy for Ms. Klein, but some parents, like myself are questioning whether a teacher from a foreign country can prepare our students for the TAKS test.” Parent and president of the Parent/Teacher Associaton, Oscar Ramirez said.
Although there is still some concerns, the school is making sure that the students will learn the material needed.
“The math department will work with Mr. Dubes and Ms. Schouller to ensure that she has all the support she needs.” Math department chair, Janelle Vander said. “We certainly will miss Ms. Klein, but this is an exciting opportunity for her.”
“She (Ms. Klein) is an excellent teacher. Freshmen Mellisa Staff said. “I’ve always struggled with math, but Ms. Klein explains things in a way I can understand.”