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Linear Art Design
Graph each line on your paper. Make straight lines, using a ruler. Extend ALL lines out to the edge of your paper. If you would like, you can trim it to make it neat.

When you finish graphing all the lines color it any colors you would like.

1. y= 16 6. x=-10
2. y=12 7. x=-9
3. y=4 8. x= -5
4. y=-6 9. x=-2
5. y=-11 10. x= 1
11. x= 9
12. x= 10

After you’ve graphed all the lines, plot these points below. connect them in the order that they are plotted. when you stop you’ve completed a shape.

(-10,4) (-9,-6) (5,-6) (-2,16)
(-10, 12) (-5,-6) (9,-6) (1,16)
(10,12) (-5,-11) (9,-11)
(10,4) (-9,-11) (5,-1)



I have played Mine craft before just not a lot. i went down to my dads for a week and we played about 30mins every day.

My plans for it are to build a city with shops, and stores and little houses for it. And have like a Mall.And have resturats and churches.

You don’t know what you have until its gone.

My favorite sense is my hearing! If I didn’t have my hearing  I could not hear when something  bad has happened, like a fire. I would not be able to hear the fire alarm if I lost my  hearing. If I didn’t have my hearing I could not do ETAS. Because I would have to hear to know what to do. In the mornings I would have to  have  a lot of help getting up in the morning they would have to physically touch me and shake me to get me up and yelling at me isn’t enough!!

My life is awesome with this sense! I’m so lucky God hasn’t taken it away! Because I have it I CAN do ETAS!! and I can hear my wonderful teachers voice!! And I can hear my Parents voice. My life is AWESOME with all my Senses but Hearing is my favorite!!!

The Things She does.

Cancer is the worst type of disease in my opinion because it kills more than a million and a half people each year.  Cancer is terrible, but some people survive.   Wishing and hard work pay off.  Lung cancer is the top killer according to scientist, but in my moms opinion Pancreatic Cancer is the worst.

About 5 or more people come in a day with cancer. I know your thinking how do they have room for all these people Well, 3 or more die a day with cancer so that leaves room for everybody.

When they come in my mom greets them gets them to their room and gets them hooked up with their equipment.  She gets attached to ALL of her patients, except for the criminals she takes  care of.  Even though criminals are bad, they can still get cancer.

My mom gives Chemotherapy everyday. therefore she’s saving lives everyday.  Just because  they get Chemotherapy doesn’t mean they’re going to live. People can leave cancer free and come back with cancer again.

My mom has to hold in her emotions a lot of the time. Like if she knows they’re gonna die and they do not know she can’t cry and make them and their families upset.  So I think my mom is a very strong hero. Better  than Batman, Spiderman, and Superman.  If you help others maybe someday someone will help you.

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