Journalism Leads

Lead 1- In result to RRHS’s phenomenal test scores over the past 3 years, starting January 20th RRHS will start having an open campus lunch policy open to all students except freshman. The policy extends lunch to 45 minutes adding 10 minutes to the period

Lead 2- Walmart has just announced that Rock Hill will be receiving the next Super Walmart in May of 2006. Some community members feel this is a bad idea because it will hurt local businesses, and they have started a petition and holding a town meeting January 20th. WM feels that since RH is a growing community they can handle 2 super WM’s in one time.

Lead 3- Due to the geniusness of 6th grade student Napolean Dynamite, Mr Fred George called Mrs.Mobley to request Napolean Dynamite to move up to high school immediately so that he will waste no time in middle school. He also would like Napolean to be more prepared and ready for Medical school.

Lead 4- Survery released yesterday by the child abuse prevention center in Baltimore showed that child abuse cases rose from 2.6 million to 2.7 million in the previous year. 3 to 4 children die everyday due to neglect and child abuse everyday. More than half the children who died were under the age of one, and 75% were under 5.

Lead 5- Damaging a 2 bedroom home in the 2300 block of Main Street, a fire in Los Gotas caused 76,000 in damages. Officials showed up at the house at 3:30 am and found it on fire. Luckily they got it under control in 5 minutes and homeowner Kathy Mahoney only suffered from minor burns on her hands and feet after being awaken by the fire.

1 Comment on Journalism Leads

  1. Karen
    September 23, 2015 at 12:25 am (9 years ago)

    1-start with as a result of* Be sure to add end punctuation.
    2-minor mechanics
    3-geniusness?, medical
    4-minor spelling, mechanics
    5-minor mechanics


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